This course makes use of the e-learning platform Perusall and active participation of the students, both online and in-class, is expected. The course contents are covered by the students before each session using Perusall, where they can read the lecture notes, share their comments, ask questions and engage in conversations. The in-class time, apart from answering questions and solving doubts, is devoted to understanding the main ideas, going beyond them (with some activities and hands-on sessions) and anticipating what comes next.
Attendance in the grade breakdown stands for active participation. The online participation will be graded by the AI system of the e-learning platform Perusall (involvement and interaction through comment posting are considered). This grade will be combined with a grade from the in-class participation.
The seminar consists of an investigation of a question related to the course and of interest to the student. The student should tackle this question critically and consulting several sources, write a very short summary of her/his findings (~2 pages) and share it with the class in a 15-min presentation.
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