Course Identification

Essentials of RNA-seq analysis

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Dr. Bareket Dassa, Dr. Dena Leshkowitz, Dr. Noa Wigoda

Course Schedule and Location

First Semester
Monday, 09:00 - 11:00, Science Teaching Lab 1
Monday, 11:00 - 12:00, FGS, Rm B

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Life Sciences: Lecture; 1.50 points
Life Sciences (ExCLS Track): Lecture; Elective; 1.50 points


This course will be held in person only

The course will take place on Monday 9:00-11:00 -Science Teaching lab 1+ 11:00-12:00 at FGS Room B, except the following dates:
*18/11- Room B (09:00-12:00)
*15/01 - Science Teaching Lab 1 (09:00-12:00)

This is a basic course for learning transcriptome analysis, consisting of seven sessions (three hours each), including six hands-on exercises.
The hands-on will allow the students to experience the approaches learned.
The course does not include command-line exercises and does not require previous knowledge or programming skills.

The grade will be an average of the grades of the six assignments.


The course does not require previous knowledge or programming skills.



Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation

Expected and Recommended

Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)


Evaluation Type

No final exam or assignment

Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



This is a basic course for learning transcriptome analysis, consisting of seven sessions (three hours each), including six hands-on exercises.
The hands-on will allow the students to experience the approaches learned.

The course does not include command-line exercises, and does not require previous knowledge or programming skills. The grade will be an average of the grades of the six assignments.

  1. Introduction to transcriptome analysis (RNA-Seq)
  2. Experimental design
  3. Strategies of library preparation, Illumina sequencing & Quality Control
  4. Analyzing RNA-Seq at gene-level, detecting differentially expressed genes and MARS-Seq analysis
  5. Clustering analysis of gene expression data
  6. Functional analysis: Gene Ontology and pathways analysis
  7. Analyzing RNA-Seq at transcript-level, introduction to long reads and analysis for non-model organisms.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate familiarity with the common applications of RNA sequencing.
  2. Perform & discuss the basics steps of data analysis, using web tools.
  3. Troubleshoot RNA-Seq results.
  4. Extract the biological meaning of the results.
  5. Basic UNIX skills

Reading List

