Course Identification
Non Linear and Ultra Fast Optics
Lecturers and Teaching Assistants
Prof. Nirit Dudovich
Course Schedule and Location
Monday, 09:15 - 11:00, Drori Auditorium
Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points
Physical Sciences: Lecture; Elective; 2.00 points
Chemical Sciences: Lecture; 2.00 points
The final course presentations will be presented by the students on 22.2-23.2
Registration by
Attendance and participation
Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)
[1] Introduction to Nonlinear Optics
- Interaction of light and matter - Lorentz model, linear susceptibility.
- Formal introduction of NLO; nonlineare susceptibility.
- Low order nonlinear effects: DC effects, second harmonic generation, four waves mixing effects.
- Nonlinear propagation.
[2] Femtosecond pulses
- Ultrashort pulses: description and representation of ultrashort pulses, dispersion, instantaneous frequency and group velocity delay.
- Ultrashort Sources.
- Femtosecond pulse amplification.
- Femtosecond pulse propagation.
- Diagnostic techniques.
- Pulse shaping.
- Carrier envelope phase stabilization.
[3] Fundamentals of ultrafast light-matter interactions
- Basic schemes in ultrafast measurements.
- Examples of time resolved ultrafast processes.
[4] Coherent control
- Introduction to quantum coherent control
- Optimal control
[5] Attosecond science
- High harmonics generation
- Attoseconds experiments.
[6] Ultraintense fields
- Relativistic effects, laser driven plasmas.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
[1] Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts in light matter interactions.
Reading List
[1] R. W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics.
[2] Y. R. Shen, The Principles of Nonlinear Optics.
[3] S. Mukamel, Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy.
[4] J. C. Dies, Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena.