- Introduction to Nonlinear Optics
- Interaction of light and matter - Lorentz model, linear susceptibility.
- Formal introduction of NLO; nonlinear susceptibility.
- Low order nonlinear effects: DC effects, second harmonic generation, four waves mixing effects.
- Nonlinear propagation.
- Ultrashort pulses: description and representation of ultrashort pulses, dispersion, instantaneous frequency and group velocity delay.
- Ultrashort Sources.
- Femtosecond pulse amplification.
- Femtosecond pulse propagation.
- Diagnostic techniques.
- Pulse shaping.
- Carrier envelope phase stabilization.
- Fundamentals of ultrafast light-matter interactions
- Basic schemes in ultrafast measurements.
- Examples of time resolved ultrafast processes.
- Introduction to quantum coherent control
- Optimal control
- High harmonics generation
- Attoseconds experiments.
- Relativistic effects, laser driven plasmas.