Course Identification

Qualitative research: Approaches and methodologies

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Prof. Edit Yerushalmi, Dr. Elon Langbeheim

Course Schedule and Location

Full Year
Monday, 10:45 - 12:15, Musher, Meeting Rm

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Science Teaching: Lecture; Obligatory; 2.00 points


Every other week





Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation

Required in at least 80% of the lectures

Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)

3 midterm assignments

Evaluation Type

Final assignment

Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



In this course we will explore central characteristics, issues, and dilemmas associated with qualitative research.
We will discuss common  qualitative research designs, such as basic qualitative research, grounded theory, and paradigms of mixed methods research and design-based research.
We will focus on several types of data collection, such as the clinical interview, documentation of group interactions, and classroom observations. We will discuss the importance of collecting various types of qualitative data, to establish a multi-dimensional account of the phenomenon.
Participants will be asked to read and present selected papers, and will experience the above methods in their own and in peers' research settings.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
  1. Describe basic qualitative Science Teaching research methods for the analysis of learning processes taking place in the individual, in a group of learners or in the whole class community, from a cognitive and/or socio-cultural perspective.
  2. Discuss critically affordances and limitations of these different research methods, and allocate them to various research paradigms.
  3. Describe and discuss critically research papers making use of qualitative methodology in terms of the basic qualitative Science Teaching research methods discussed in the course.
  4. Apply one or more of the basic qualitative Science Teaching research methods discussed in the course to a research question related to the student's specific research interests. Write a paper describing how the research question was answered, in particular theoretical perspective, data collection and analysis tools, interpretation and critical discussion of the analysis.

Reading List

Course main textbook: Merriam, S. & Tisdell, E. (2015) Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, 4th Edition

Additional Required readings:

  1. ורדי ובלום-קולקה, 2005, "השיעור כאירוע דיבור א-סימטרי: מבט על מבנה ההשתתפות בכיתה הישראלית" המייצג נקודת השקפה תיאורטית ייחודית.

2. Ayalon, M., & Even, R. (2016). Factors shaping students’ opportunities to engage in classroom argumentative activity. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 14(3), 575-601

3. Chi, M.T.H1997 Quantifying Qualitative Analyses of Verbal Data, Introduction to verbal analysis;

4. Ginsburg, H. (1981). The Clinical Interview in Psychological Research on Mathematical Thinking: Aims, Rationales, Techniques. For the Learning of Mathematics, 1(3), 4-11.

5. Henderson, C., Yerushalmi, E., Kuo, V. H., Heller, K., & Heller, P. (2007). Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. II. Procedures for measurement and analysis. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research3(2), 020110.

6. גבתון ד. תאוריה מעוגנת בשדה: משמעות תהליך ניתוח הנתונים ובניית התיאוריה במחקר איכותי, מתוך "מסורות וזרמים במחקר האיכותי" נעמה צבר בן יהושע (עורכת), 2001 עמ' 195-228

7. Brown, A. L. (1992). Design experiments: Theoretical and methodological challenges in creating complex interventions in classroom settings. The journal of the learning sciences2(2), 141-178.

8. Hammer, D., & Berland, L. K. (2014). Confusing claims for data: A critique of common practices for presenting qualitative research on learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences23(1), 37-46.

9. Wertsch, J. V. (1984). The zone of proximal development: Some conceptual issues. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development1984(23), 7-18.

