The main goal of the course is to introduce the students to basic terminology of medicinal chemistry and drugs development. Particular emphasis will be placed on the description of the mechanisms by which various drugs work.
a) Drugs
b) Receptors: General considerations
c) Stereochemistry
d) Structure Activity Relationships (SAR's)
e) Absorption, Distribution and Elimination of Drugs
f) Drug Delivery through the blood brain barrier (BBB)
g) Drug Metabolism
h) Drug Toxicity
i) Drug Tolerance and Addiction
j) Pro-Drugs, Soft-Drugs and Hard-Drugs
k) Patents in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Antimicrobial Agents and Antibiotics -
1) Penicillins, Cephalosporins, beta-Lactamase Inhibitors
2) Vancomycin
3) Tetracyclines
1) Alkylating Agents: N-mustards, nitroso ureas, Pt complexes, mitomycin
2) Antimetabolites: 5-FU, methotrexate, Ara-C, mercaptopurine
3) Intercalators: Actinomycin D, Adriamycin and Daunomycin
4) Epothilone
5) Anti-estrogens Tamoxifen and anti-androgens
6) Miscellaneous Antitumor Agents: Etoposide, Taxol
7) Bisphosphonates
a) General
b) Local
Hypnotics and Sedatives
a) Alcohol
b) Barbiturates
c) Benzodiazepines
Neuropharmacological Agents
a) Adrenergics: Epi, Nor-Epi, Isoproterenol, metaproterenol, salbutamol
b) Amphetamines and Anorexics
c) Stumulants
d) Artificial Sweeteners
1) Saccharin
2) Maltitol, xylitol
3) Acesulfame K
4) Cyclamates
5) Aspartame
6) Sucralose
e) Cholinergics and Anticholinesterases
f) Choline esterase inhibitors - Nerve Gases
g) Cholinesterase Reactivators
Histamine H-1 and H-2 Antihistamines Prazoles
1) Salicylates - Aspirin
2) Fenamates
3) Indomethacin and Congeners
4) Phenyl Propionic Acids
5) Enolic and other Acidic Agents
6) New agents: COX2 Inhibitors
Thyroid Hormones T3 and T4
Topical Drugs
1) Sun blockers
Hormones and Steroids.
1) Gluco- and Mineralo-corticoids Cortisone
2) Estrogens and Progestins. The Pill.
3) Antiestrogens
4) Aromatase inhibitors
5) Androgens - DHT inhibitors
6) Viagra
Cardiovascular Drugs
a) Nitrites and Nitrates - Nitroglycerine
b) beta-Blockers - Propranolol
c) Calcium-Blockers Dihydropyridines, Diltiazem, Verapamil
Antihypertensive Agents
1) ACE inhibitors ³Prils²
2) Angiotensin II inhibitors ³Sartans²
3) Drugsaffecting the Nor-Epi pathway
Cholesterol - HMG-CoA-Reductase inhibitors: ³Statins²
Major Analgesics
1) Morphinoids: Morphine, Heroin
2) Antitussive Agents - Codeine
3)Enkephalins and Endorphins
4) Cannabinoids: THC
Suntan lotions
Antimicrobial Agents and Antibiotics -
1) Sulfanilamides
2) Fluoroquinolones
3) Miscellaneous Antibiotics
4) Bacterial resistance
Antipsychotic Agents
a) Tricyclic Antidepressants - Chlorpromazine
b) Non-Tricyclic Antidepressants
c) Prozac
d) Antischizophrenics
Antifungal agents