I. The Fundamentals
1. Introduction
1.1 Why Majority of Solids are Crystalline?
1.1.1 Simple System of Point Like Particles with van der Vaals Interactions
1.1.2 Temperature Effects
1.1.3 Quantum Mechanical Effects
1.1.4 More Realistic Systems
1.2 Condensed Matter Which is Not Crystaline
1.2.1 Long Range Order
1.2.2 Glasses, Polymers, Liquid Crystals and Quasicrystals
2. Description of Crystal Lattices
2.1 Lattices of Points. Bravais Lattices
2.2 Realistic Lattices. Lattices with Bases. Examples.
2.3 Classification of Bravais Lattices
2.4 Unit Cell
2.5 The Reciprocal Lattice. First Brillouin Zone
2.5.1 The Definition
2.5.2 The Reciprocal Lattice is a Bravais Lattice Too
2.5.3 First Brillouin Zone
2.6 Experimental Determination of Lattice Structure.
2.6.1 X-ray Diffraction
2.6.2 Diffraction off Atomic Lattice
2.6.3 Discussion. Laue Conditions for Bragg Peaks
3. Electronic Structure 22
3.1 Simple Model of Simple Crystals
3.2 The Periodic Potential
3.3 Bloch Theorem. Electronic Bands
3.4 Nearly Free Electron Model
3.4.1 Qualitative arguments
3.4.2 Solving the Schrodinger Equation
3.5 Examples of Calculated Energy Bands
3.6 How Many Electrons Can a Band Accommodate. The Fermi Level
3.7 Metals, Semiconductors and Insulators
3.8 How are Electronic Bands Related to the Original Atomic Levels. Tight-Binding Picture
4 How Does Electric Current Flow?
4.1 Simplest Model - Drude Theory
4.2 Sommerfeld Theory of Metals.
4.3 Electric Current in Band Picture.
5. Beyond Static Lattice Model. Phonons
5.1 Vibrations of Classical Lattices
5.2 Quantum Mechanics of Lattice Vibrations
5.3 Acoustical and Optical Phonons
II Selected Topics
6. Semiconductors
6.1 Doping. p- and n- Type Semiconductors .
6.2 Heterostructures .
6.3 Devices
6.3. pn Diods
6.3.2 Light Emitting Diods (LEDs)
6.3.3 Transistors
7. Hall Effect
8. Magnetism
9. Superconductivity