Course Identification

Physics module: Introduction and selected issues in physics education 1

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Dr. Ester Bagno, Dr. Hana Berger

Course Schedule and Location

Full Year
Tuesday, 13:00 - 15:00, Musher, Meeting Rm

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Science Teaching (non thesis MSc Track): Lecture; Obligatory; 5.00 points


החל מיום ג' ה 5 בדצמבר 17 ועד סיום הסמסטר הראשון ב 30 בינואר יתחיל השעור בשעה אחת ורבע ויסתיים בשלוש ורבע

לפני כן יתחיל הקורס כמתוכנן בשעה אחת ויסתיים בשעה שלוש

כל השעורים יתקיימו בחדר הדיונים בבניין מאושר במחלקה להוראת המדעים




For students in the Rothschild-Weizmann program only

Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation


Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)


Evaluation Type

Final assignment

Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



Participants will get acquainted with physics and science education research related to concept learning. Implement in their classes, research based teaching strategies intended to improve students' knowledge and skills in this area and will study the influence of these strategies on their students' learning.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course- students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the research literature about students' learning difficulties in mechanics and electromagnetism.
  2. Examine their own students' learning difficulties in mechanics and electromagnetism.
  3. Demonstrate new, research based, teaching strategies to deal with their students' difficulties, will implement them in their classes and examine their influence on their students'' learning.

Reading List

Students' preconceptions in introductory mechanics. (1982). Clement AJP 50(1)

Classroom demonstrations: Learning tools or entertainment? (2004). Crouch, Fagen, Callan, & Mazur AJP, 72(6).

Investigation of student understanding of the concept of velocity in one dimension. (1980) Trowbridge & McDermott. AJP 48(12)

Testing student interpretation of kinematics graphs (1994). Beichner, AJP 62, p 750
Cognition for Interpreting Scientific Concepts: A Study of Acceleration. F. Reif and S. Allen. Cognition and Instruction 9(1), 1992

Rule-governed approaches to physics-Newton?s third law. (1994). Maloney. Phys. Edu. 19

The Force Concept Inventory: a tool for monitoring student learning. ( 2002). Savinainen & Scott, Physics Education 37(1)

Using The Force Concept Inventory : to monitor student learning ( 2002) Savinainen & Scott, Physics Education 37(1)

Meeting the challenge of students? understanding of formulae in high-school physics: a learning tool. Bagno, Berger & Eylon, Physics Education, 43(1), 2008.
Potential difference and current in simple electric circuits: A study of student?s conceptsR. cohen, B. Eylon, and U. Ganiel. AJP. 1983. 51(5), 407-412

Surveying students? conceptual knowledge of electricity and magnetism (2001). Maloney et al. AJP 69(7)

From problem solving to a knowledge structure: An example from the domain of electromagnetism. 1997.Bagno and Eylon AJP 65(8)

Macro-micro relationships: the missing link between electrostatics and electrodynamics in students? reasoning. Bat-Sheva Eylon and Uri Ganiel. INT. J. SCI. EDUC. 1990, 12(1), 79-94
Restructuring the introductory electricity and magnetism course 2006, Chabay and Sherwood. AJP 74(4)
