1) Introduction. Conventions. Perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams from Path Integrals (scalars and fermions). Computation of tree-level diagrams. The S-matrix.
2) Computation of one-loop diagrams, regularization and renormalization (perturbative). Dimensional regularization. Renormalizable field theories. The optical theorem and the LSZ reduction formula.
3) Fun with perturbation theory : Large N field theories and string theory.
4) Scale-dependence of coupling constants and beta functions, the renormalization group, the Wilsonian effective action, marginal and relevant operators, fixed points, universality.
5) QED – quantization of gauge fields, gauge fixing and the Faddeev-Popov procedure, Feynman diagrams, Ward identities. Computations at tree-level and at one-loop, renormalization.
6) Symmetries in QFT, Goldstone’s theorem, renormalization and symmetry, the Higgs mechanism (classical and quantum).
7) Non-perturbative field theory – QCD (qualitative). 3d QED, instantons and confinement.