This course provides an opportunity for the participants to: A) submit and review proposals and make presentations as if they were doing so for a scientific conference.
Each week two students will give 35 minute presentations of their research. Each presentation will be followed by a 20 minute Q & A session. There will be a 5-minute break between the two presentations.
Each student must email their proposal to the instructor and all the course participants by the Monday prior to their presentation. The proposal must be 5 pages long, single spaced, Times New Roman font, including references, not including tables and figures which will come at the end of the proposal. Thus, in the week before a class session, two proposals will be sent to everybody.
Half of the non-presenting students will prepare a written review of one proposal; the other half of the students will review the other proposal. The reviews must be sent to the presenter and the instructor by the Thursday prior to the presentation. The critique should follow the JRST guidelines for reviewing a manuscript.
During the Q & A session following each presentation, the questions will be raised by the half of the participants that did not prepare a written review of the proposal accompanying the presentation. Thus, in every class session, every participant that is not presenting will have prepared a written review of one of the presentations and will orally critique the other presentation.