The course will provide a broad survey to microscopy and micro-analysis relevant to chemists and biologists. Lectures will cover fundamentals, introduce the major techniques, and present salient examples in depth.
Modern microscopy involves more than pretty pictures. An image is a spatial map of some material property, be it refractive index, electron density, absorption coefficient, etc.
History and milestones (1)
Light microscopy (4):
- Basic optics
- Contrast mechanisms & confocal microscopy
- Resolution and dynamics
- Super-resolution imaging
Electron microscopy (5):
- transmission and scanning transmission EM
- scanning EM
- spectroscopy in the microscope
- tomography and single particle analysis for molecular structure
- diffraction and crystallography in the microscope
Image processing for microscopy (2):
- 2D image manipulations, filters in real and Fourier space
- 3D reconstruction and processing
Scanning probe microscopes (1)
Additional topics (1)