Mitochondria play several roles in eukaryotes: they serve as main suppliers of energy; they are involved in apoptosis, in calcium homeostasis and in iron homeostasis. During the respiratory process, mitochondria produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can induce mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, leading to gradual deterioration of tissue function, that is reflected in the ageing process and in diseases associated with aging such as-diabetes, Parkinson and cancer. The present course will provide a panorama of the physiology of mitochondria, along with its different functions in the cell, emphasizing the contribution of damaged mitochondria to disease.
The course intends to provide an up-to-date overview of the field
of mitochondrial research in health and disease.
1. Teach the students about the centrality of mitochondrial research in various fields
of research of biology.
2. Provide tools for understanding and appreciating studies in cellular biology in general and in mitochondrial research in particular.
3. Provide an overview of state of the art techniques in cellular biology.
4. Expose the students to cellular approaches in studying disease, as opposed to more common molecular approaches.
The course consists of oral presentations.
Syllabus for Mitochondria course during August (15/8-25/8)
Each day will have 2.5 hours live lecture and extra 1 full hour prerecorded lecture.
15/8 Sunday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Introduction: History of mitochondrial research (from Lavoisier to Today).
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 The Evolution of mitochondria (The endosymbiotic theory)
Recorded lecture- The components of the respiratory chain part I. (respiratory complexes, OXPHOS system)
16/8 Monday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 The components of the respiratory chain II. (ATP synthase)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Approaches to measure mitochondrial function part I: cellular level (ATP, NAD(P)H, respirometry, mitochondrial potential)
Recorded lecture- Approaches to measure mitochondrial function II: isolated mitochondria
17/8 Tuesday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Approaches to measure mitochondrial function III: at the whole organism level
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondria and thermogenesis: Brown adipose tissue and thermogenesis.
Recorded lecture- Reactive oxygen species: The mitochondrial theory of ageing.
18/8 Wednesday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondrial turnover I: Biogenesis (PGC1 alpha)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondrial turnover II: PGC1 regulation by AMPK, SIRT1 autophagy, mitophagy, mTOR, Parkinson
Recorded lecture: Mitochondrial turnover III: autophagy, mitophagy, mTOR, Parkinson
19/8 Thursday (3.5 hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondrial dynamics I (Atan)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondrial dynamics in Stem cells II (Atan)
Recorded lecture: Role of mitochondria in calcium homeostasis
22/8 Sunday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondria in apoptosis I (Atan)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondria in apoptosis II (Atan)
Recorded lecture: Mitochondrial proteins encoded by the nucleus.
23/8 Monday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondrial DNA (TFAM, DNA Polymerase gamma)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondria in disease I: Mitochondrial DNA diseases (LOHN, Leigh syndrome, MELAS…)
Recorded lecture: Mitochondria in disease I: Therapies mitochondrial diseases
24/8 Tuesday (3.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondria in disease II: cancer metabolism (Warburg effect)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Mitochondria in disease II: cancer – therapies based on metabolism
Recorded lecture: Mitochondrial disease III: Diabetes (Metabolism in beta-cell in physiology)
25/8 Wednesday (2.5hr)
9:00-10:15 Mitochondrial disease III: Diabetes (Lipotoxicity)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Summary and conclusions