The course: "Issues in Science Teaching: Curricular Development Considerations" will be based on the constructivist paradigm in teaching, according to which the learner (teacher and student alike) is the constructor of one's knowledge. The course plan will be based on the notion that teachers are the best developers of their teaching sequencing, who can use research to improve their work.
Therefore, the course goal is to provide participants with tools to carry out curricular considerations in developing instructional actions from the level of the individual activity through the lesson to a complete teaching module. Participants will also learn about curricular considerations in designing a curriculum at the national level.
During the course, participants will exercise curricular judgments in the development of instructional sequences according to various approaches and their combinations: the pedagogical-didactic approach, the theoretical approach, the empirical approach, the discovery approach, the personalized teaching approach, and more.
The participants will use previously designed teaching materials and experiment with their own classrooms' adoption, adaptation, development, and implementation. Participants will bring to the course plenary the results of the experiments they have conducted in their classrooms.
The content that participants will use will be selected from a six-year teaching perspective, emphasizing the relationship between conceptual thinking and its connection to mathematical thinking patterns and constructs.
The course plan will be based on teachers-teachers' and teachers-experts' collaboration in the development of learning materials and the analysis of the results of their implementation. For this purpose, tools developed within the "V-dactics" and PETEL projects will be used.