Course Identification

Mathematics module: Seminar in mathematics for first year students - teaching and research intertwined

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Prof. Marita Barabash

Course Schedule and Location

Second Semester
Tuesday, 16:00 - 18:00, WSoS, Rm 4

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Science Teaching (non thesis MSc Track): Seminar; Obligatory; Regular; 1.00 points


the exact dates of face-to-face meetings, Zoom meetings and a-synchronous lessons will be presented to the students in the beginning of the academic year




For students in the Rothschild-Weizmann program only

Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation

Required in at least 80% of the lectures

Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)

written seminar work

Evaluation Type


Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



In the Seminar, the participants will work on individual projects focused on school curriculum implementation of the courses in mathematics they have learned or are currently learning. In addition, the students will study and discuss a number of topics aimed at the impacts of higher-mathematical knowledge on teaching mathematics at school to various types of students.

The individual seminar project will integrate the mathematical and the education-research sources, to provide a coherent work reflecting both sides of the teachers' education within the program.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the impact of their theoretical studies in mathematics on their teaching practices, attitudes, and beliefs.
  2. Demonstrate their ability to integrate mathematical and educational research sources as an academic basis for their work.
  3. Design or adapt teaching units, lesson plans, or other teaching materials in the framework of the schools' curriculum, in view of the understandings of mathematics education research formed during the courses of the program and in the seminar.
  4. Engage with selected mathematics education research practices.
  5. Present and justify the research-based teaching material in a lucid way in the class.

Reading List

Books and papers will be suggested to each student in compliance with his or her topic. As a general background literature, the following books are examples of the recommended list:

  • Alan Sultan, Alice F. Artzt. The mathematics that every secondary school teacher need to know. Routledge. (2017).
  • Courant, Robbins. What is mathematics?
  • Moise E. Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint
  • Davis, Hersh. The mathematical experience
  • Alan Sultan, Alice F. Artzt. (2017). The mathematics that every secondary school teacher need to know. Routledge..
  • Artstein, Z. (2014). Mathematics and the real world. Prometeus Books. 
  • Barabash M. (2003), Cycloids, Billiards, Lissajou: Using Computer to Visualize Irrational Numbers, and What This Can Be Good for, International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 8 (3): 333-356.
  • Shamash, J., Barabash M., Even R. (2018). From Equations to Structures: Linking Abstract Algebra and High-School Mathematics. In: Wasserman, N. (Ed.) Connecting abstract algebra to secondary mathematics for secondary mathematics teachers. Springer
  • Sinclair N., Pimm D., Skelin M. (2013). Developing essential understandings of geometry for teaching mathematics in grades 9-12. NCTM. 
  •  More sources will be brought to the course during the lessons.

More sources will be brought to the course during the lessons.
