Angular Momentum and Symmetry in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Fall, 2021
Text: Robert Gordon, Online Notes and Richard Zare, Angular Momentum
Additional reading to be assigned from books on the reading list
This course explores the fundamental concepts of atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Topics to be covered in the section on atomic spectroscopy include the spin-orbit effect, the Lamb shift, hyperfine structure, quantum defect theory, the Pauli exclusion principle, Russel-Saunders and j-j coupling, symmetry, selection rules, line intensities, and the Stark and Zeeman effects. The section on molecular spectroscopy will include the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, vibrational and rotational spectroscopy, Hund’s cases, Lambda-doubling, normal modes, the Frank-Condon principle, conical intersections, and vibronic interactions.
Other information:
The course is suitable for chemists and physicists who have had a prior course on quantum mechanics. The tools of angular momentum theory will be developed during the course.
The course will meet twice a week for fourteen weeks.
The grade will be based on weekly problem sets, including an extended final problem set instead of a final exam.