Reading List
The course is essentially self-contained, as there is no one single book to cover the material.
Some useful recommended books that cover parts of the course:
- D. Tabor: Gases, liquids and solids (Cambridge Press, 3rd ed. 1995). Introduces much of the physics of particles and interactions in an easily-understood and attractive manner.
- J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces (Academic Press, NY, 1994). A thorough treatment of surface interactions. All 3 editions are excellent
- Scaling concepts in polymer physics, P.G. de Gennes, Cornell University Press, 2nd printing, 1985. An excellent and readable text which covers much of the polymer physics part of the course at the right level. (the 1979 edition is just as good).
- Introduction to Polymer Physics, M. Doi; Oxford University Press, 1996. A short but dense and useful text which includes good material on equilibrium properties of polymers.
Additional useful books for those interested in deeper theoretical treatment:
1. M. Doi and S.F. Edwards, 'The theory of Polymer Dynamics', OUP, 1988
2. S. A. Safran, 'Statistical Thermodynamics Of Surfaces, Interfaces, And Membranes', CRC Press 2003