Course Identification

Soft condensed matter physics (Stat Mech 2)

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Prof. Sam Safran
Dr. Dan Deviri, Dr. Avraham Moriel

Course Schedule and Location

Second Semester
Tuesday, 11:15 - 13:00, Drori Auditorium
Thursday, 14:15 - 16:00, Drori Auditorium

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Physical Sciences: Lecture; Elective; Regular; 4.00 points
Chemical Sciences: Lecture; Elective; Regular; 4.00 points
Chemical Sciences (Materials Science Track): Lecture; Elective; Regular; 4.00 points


A previous course at the advanced undergraduate level or beginning graduate level in statistical mechanics is strongly recommended.
Course will only be given if there are 10 or more registered students.
On May 17th the lecture will be held at Seminar room A


A previous course, preferably at the level of advanced undergraduate course in statistical mechanics.



Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation

Expected and Recommended

Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)

Final report on research paper followed by oral or written (if requested) exam on related materials

Evaluation Type

Final assignment

Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



Soft condensed matter physics (Stat Mech 2)

Lectures:  Perlman  521,  X 3362    

Tutorials: Dan Deviri  Perlman 519b, Avraham Moriel Perlman 720

                   Tuesdays, 1115-1300                                         Thursdays, 1415-1600

29/3 Lec. 1 - Introduction: What is soft matter and how does it relate to the physics of materials, biomolecules and cells? Intellectual challenges and relation to stat mech.

31/3 Lec. 2 - States of matter: standard and exotic – gas, liquid, solid (dimensionality effects), fractals, polymers, entropic phase transitions, orientational order and disorder. Stat Mech conceptual questions.

5/4 Lec. 3 - Statistical mechanics of soft matter; structures are free energy minimizers, fluctuations and when they destroy order, probabilities

7/4 Lec. 4 – Phase separation examples statistical mechanics; Hubbard Stratonovich transformation

12/4 Lec. 5– Phase separation dynamics (spinodal decomposition, nucleation and growth)

14/4 Tutorial: Worked out problems - Statistical properties of Gaussian fluctuations; correlation functions

No lecture 19/4 Pesach

No lecture 21/4 Pesach

26/4 Tutorial: Worked out problems: Langevin dynamics and Fokker Planck equation and their applications

28/4 Lec. 6 - Interfaces and their fluctuations

3/5 Lec. 7 -  Elasticity of interacting systems, statistical fluctuations and elasticity; applications to soft and biological matter  

No lecture 5/5 Independence Day

10/5 Tutorial: Worked out problems – Elasticity and interfaces

12/5 Lec 8  Fluctuating lines and surfaces: line and surface curvature, fluctuations 

17/5 Lec 9 - Polymers – random/excluded volume, polymer collapse, semiflexible polymers

19/5 Lec. 10 -  Polymers field theory - fluctuation effects; persistence length and fluctuations; polymer brush; connection between DNA and polymer physics

24/5 Lec. 11 – Polymers in the cell: Chromosome territories and fractal packing of chromosomes in nucleus; mesoscale packing of chromosomes

26/5 Tutorial: Worked out problems –polymers

31/5 Lec. 12 - Polymeric soft networks; gels, non-linear elasticity, fluctuation induced elasticity, cellular cytoskeleton

2/6 Lec. 13 – Self-assembly and emergence, micelles; membranes: curvature elasticity of membranes

7/6 Lec. 14 Fluctuations of membranes – shape fluctuations; renormalization of bending  modulus; coupled concentration and shape fluctuations


9/6 Lec. 15 – Fluctuation induced interactions of membranes

14/6 Tutorial: Worked out problems –Membranes

16/6 Lec. 16 - Electrostatics in soft matter;  Poisson Boltzmann theory

21/6 Lec. 17 - Poisson Boltzmann theory: fluctuation and strong coupling effects  applications of electrostatics in soft and biological matter

23/6 Tutorial: Worked out problems – Electrostatics

28/6 Lec. 18 – Casimir (medium-induced) deformations in soft matter; electrostatics, polymers, solvent, membranes

30/6 Lec. 19 – Nonequilibrium I: Hydrodynamics in soft and biological matter and  lecture on “Life at Low Reynolds number”

5/7 Lec. 20 – Nonequilibrium II: How cells determine their volume – living vs. “dead” matter

7/7 Lec. 21 – Nonequilibrium III: Guest Lecture :

12/7 No lecture

14/7 Lec. 22 -  Review, questions on course and final project


Course requirements: Slides will be used during the lectures supplemented by more detailed derivations on the board; please supplement the slides with your own notes of the derivation details and the discussion at the lecture.  This is best done lesson by lesson and not after time has passed. Much but not all of the material is also found in the books listed below. Three problem sets, due in May, June, July).  The final project will be a short summary followed by questions (oral or written as you prefer) related to various review articles that I will suggest or approve if you wish to suggest an article.  The questions will probe the connection of the article to relevant topics covered in class.


Statistical Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Interfaces and Membranes, S. A. Safran (Addison Wesley 1994; Westview Press, 2003)  Hard copy text in library

Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, P. Chaikin and T. Lubensky (Cambridge Press, 1995)  Ebook for download through library 

Statistical Physics for Biological Matter, W. Sung (Springer Press) Ebook for download through library 

Physical Biology of the Cell, Phillips et al. (Garland, 2008) Hard copy text in library

Introduction to Polymer Physics, M. Doi (Oxford, 1997) Hard copy text in library


Learning Outcomes

The students will understand how the fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics can be used to theoretically predict the properties of soft matter (phase separation, interfaces, capillarity, polymers, gels, charged systems, micelles and membranes).  While biological/biophysical motivation will be presented, the focus on the course will be on the fundamental physical concepts and theory.

Reading List

Statistical Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Interfaces and Membranes, S. A. Safran
(Addison Wesley 1994; Westview Press, 2003)
Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, P. Chaikin and T. Lubensky (Cambridge Press, 1995)
Physical Biology of the Cell, Phillips et al. (Garland, 2008)


Statistical Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Interfaces and Membranes, S. A. Safran (Addison Wesley 1994; Westview Press, 2003)  Hard copy text in library

Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, P. Chaikin and T. Lubensky (Cambridge Press, 1995)  Ebook for download through library 

Statistical Physics for Biological Matter, W. Sung (Springer Press) Ebook for download through library 

Physical Biology of the Cell, Phillips et al. (Garland, 2008) Hard copy text in library

Introduction to Polymer Physics, M. Doi (Oxford, 1997) Hard copy text in library
