Course Identification
Science Communication (SciComm) presentation skills workshop- English
Lecturers and Teaching Assistants
Ms. Meital Salmor
Course Schedule and Location
Wednesday, 11:00 - 15:00
Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points
Obligatory instruction courses or enrichment courses: Workshop; Elective; Enrichment; 0.00 points
PhD students and posdoctoral fellows
For PhD students only
Attendance and participation
Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)
- Raising awareness to your usage of jargon and technical terminology
- Adapting to different communication landscapes and audiences
- You can’t unknow what you already know— the curse of knowledge
- Understanding paradigm gaps between you and others
- Extracting the essence of your research: What is the bottom line?
- Getting the right message across
- Narrative, storytelling and the power of analogies
- Practicing body language and vocal delivery
- Improv exercises to practice effective body movement
- How to effectively use props in your talk
- Using PowerPoint— the right way!
- Every participant will get a before/after video recording to measure progress
Learning Outcomes
Making your scientific message clear to various audiences
Improving presentation skills