A thorough awareness of issues relating to research ethics and research integrity are essential to producing excellent research. This course will provide a brief introduction to the demands of research ethics and integrity. It will then focus on the responsible conduct of scientific research and address the core concepts that comprise scientific misconduct. Well-known examples of scientific misconduct will be employed to demonstrate the harms of such behavior.
Course format:
- Lecture 1: Sunday, August 22, 2021, 1100-1300
- Lecture 2 (and final exam): Monday, August 23, 1100-1300
Teaching method:
The course consists of introductory lecture and interactive sequences (e.g., discussions, solving of case studies, short movies).
- On Being a Scientist – A Guide to Responsible Conduct of Research, (3rd edition), National Academies Press: Washington DC, 2009.
- European Textbook on Ethics in Research, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Brussels, 2010.
- Interactive Movie on Research Misconduct http://ori.dhhs.gov/thelab
Introduction to research ethics (locating ethics in research)
History of Research integrity
Definitions of Research misconduct