Note: This is a forecast syllabus. Changes may apply.
18/10 No class
25/10 Climate change and global forests
1/11 No class (national elections)
8/11 (Retreat) Teachers meet to work on their assignments
15/11 Geo-Ethics and teachers’ group assignments
22/11 Population heat exposure
29/11 (DDD) Hosting at lab by students and postdocs
6/12 The eco-demographic crisis
13/12 Life cycle analysis and sustainability science
20/12 No class for teachers
27/12 Life cycle analysis teachers’ personal assignments
3/1 Ecological conservation
10/1 The Anthropocene: trees and water
17/1 The Anthropocene: trees and carbon
24/1 Ecology I: The Ecological pyramid
31/1 Ecology II: The rhizosphere. Guest lecture: Prof. Orit Ben Zvi
7/2 Biogeography: Flora of Israel
14/2 Solar power, electric cars
21/2 No class