Course Identification
Discovery Milestones in Cell Biology
Lecturers and Teaching Assistants
Dr. Emma Fenech
Course Schedule and Location
Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points
Life Sciences: Lecture; 2.00 points
Life Sciences (ExCLS Track): Elective; 2.00 points
The lectures are pre-recorded (
Registration by
Attendance and participation
Grade Breakdown (in %)
9 short weekly assignments and 2 take-home assignments (interim and final)
Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)
1 - Origins of life
2 - Organization of the cytoplasm
3 - G-proteins
4 - Vesicle trafficking
5 - Cell motility
6 - Cytoskeletal motor proteins
7 - Cell division
8 - Protein kinases
9 - Cell cycle
Learning Outcomes
To gain a strong foundation in fundamental cell biology topics and principles, and the discoveries which shaped our mechanistic understanding of the associated processes.
Reading List
Reading material will be given out during the course.