1. Introduction and principle of lasers
a. The laser concept, history, and properties of the light
b. Spontaneous and stimulated emission
c. Optical gain and absorption, atomic line shapes (homogenous/inhomogeneous broadening)
d. Rate equations, population inversion, and small-signal gain in two-, three-, four-level systems
2. Laser materials
a. Host materials and active ions properties (absorption and emission bands, line broadening characteristics)
b. Overview of laser types and their applications (e.g. solid-state, gas)
3. Continuous-wave laser oscillator
a. Longitudinal modes and stability criterion
b. Gain saturation and circulating power
c. Threshold condition, output power (quasi-three level and four-level system), and optimum output coupling
d. Frequency tuning
4. Optical resonators
a. Gaussian beams, higher-order modes, and beam quality (M2 parameter)
b. Beam propagation (ABCD matrix) and resonator stability, unstable resonators
5. Pulsed lasers
a. Q-switching
b. Mode-locking
c. Devices for pulsed operation
6. Amplifiers
a. Single-and multi-pass amplification
b. Regenerative amplifiers
c. Chirped-pulse amplification
7. Ultrafast optics and technologies
a. Pulse shaping and compression techniques
b. Pulse characterization techniques
c. Spatial mode shaping
d. Laser-induced damage, laser machining