Course Identification
Chemistry module: Best practices for gifted and talented students
Lecturers and Teaching Assistants
Dr. Naama Benny
Course Schedule and Location
Second Semester
Tuesday, 13:30 - 16:30, WSoS, Rm 4
Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points
Science Teaching (non thesis MSc Track): Lecture; Obligatory; Regular; 2.00 points
Attendance and participation
Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)
- Characteristics and needs of gifted and talented students
- Modified instruction and strategies for best practices
- Science education for gifted and talented students
- Developing creative thinking and creativity
- Addressing the social and emotional needs of gifted and talented in the classroom
Best Practices for Gifted and talented students is an extended introduction course. This course aims to get acquainted with and get a better understanding of the field of gifted and talented education. The course will present an overview of concepts and main characteristics of the population, examine the research literature, and debate the relationship between the literature and the best practices that are useful to bring into the classroom. The course examines the core issues and basic concepts of teaching gifted and talented students. The course gives two different perspectives on the domain of gifted and talented teaching:
- The prism of the different population; and
- The prism of the content of science teaching.
- Active participation
- Reading four research papers
- Presenting a research paper
- Writing a scientific report regarding a chosen topic
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the different definitions of gifted children, and how to recognize gifted students in their classes.
- Demonstrate proficiency in theories regarding how gifted students learn and main teaching strategies in gifted education.
- Use their knowledge of the unique ways that GT students think including creative thinking to design stimulating science lessons.
- Integrate the knowledge about GT students to design a teaching model for GT students in their class.
Reading List
- Cross, T. L. C., L.J. . (2005). Being Gifted in School: An Introduction to Development, Guidance, and Teaching (2nd Ed ed.). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, Inc.
- Karnes, F. A. B., S.M., Eds. (2004). Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, Inc.
- VanTassel-Baska, J., Little, C.A. Ed. (2003). Content-Based Curriculum for High-Ability Learners. Waco, TX Prufrock Press, Inc. Book section and articals:
- Akin, C. A. (2005). Academic Asynchrony. Gifted Child Today, 28(2), 60-66.
- Erez, R. (2004). Freedom and Creativity: An Approach to Science Education for Excellent Students and Its Realization in the Israel Arts and Science Academy?s Curriculum. The Journal Of Secondary Gifted Education 15(4), 133-140. doi: DOI: 10.4219/jsge-2004-461
- Haier, R. J., & Jung, R. E. (2008). Brain Imaging Studies of Intelligence and Creativity: What is the Picture for Education? Roeper Review, 30(3), 171-180. doi: 10.1080/02783190802199347
- Johnsen, S. (2004). National Standards for Teachers of Gifted and Talented Students: Becoming Involved. Gifted Child Today, 27(3), 5-5.
- Newman, J. L. (2005). Talents and Type IIIs: The Effects of the Talents Unlimited Model on Creative Productivity in Gifted Youngsters. Roeper Review, 27(2), 84-90.
- Reis, S. M., & McCoach, D. B. (2000). The Underachievement of Gifted Students: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? Gifted Child Quarterly, 44(3), 152-170. doi: 10.1177/001698620004400302
- Reis, S. M., and Renzulli, J. S. . (2004). Current research on the social and emotional development of gifted and talented students: Good news and future possibilities. Psychology in the Schools, 41, 119?130. doi: doi: 10.1002/pits.10144
- Renzulli, J. S. (1998). The three-ring conception of giftedness. In S. M. Baum, Reis, S.M., & Maxfield, L.R. (Ed.), Nurturing the gifted and talents of primary grade students. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press.
- Sak, U. (2004). About Creativity, Giftedness, and Teaching the Creatively Gifted in the Classroom. Roeper Review, 26(4), 216-222.Sternberg, R. J., Grigorenko, E.L., Jarvin, L. (2006). Identification of the gifted in the new millennium: Two assessments for ability testing and for the broad identification of gifted students. KJEP, 3(2), 7-27.
- Torrance, E. P. (2003). The Millennium: A Time for Looking Forward and Looking Back. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 15.
- Treffinger, D. J., & Isaksen, S. G. (2005). Creative Problem Solving: The History, Development, and Implications for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Gifted Child Quarterly, 49(4), 342-353. doi: 10.1177/001698620504900407
- Treffinger, D. J., saksen, S. G. (2005). Creative Problem Solving: The History, Development, and Implications for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Gifted Child Quarterly, 49(4), 342-353. doi: 10.1177/001698620504900407
- VanTassel-Baska, J. (2003). Selecting instructional strategies for gifted learners. focus on exceptional children, 36(3), 1-11.
- VanTassel-Baska, J. (2006). NAGC Symposium: a Report card on the State of Research in the Field of Gifted Education. Gifted Child Quarterly, 50(4), 339-341. doi: 10.1177/001698620605000406
- VanTassel-Baska, J., Brown, E. F. (2007). Toward Best Practice. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(4), 342-358. doi: 10.1177/0016986207306323
- VanTassel-Baska, J., Quek, C., Xuemei Feng, A. (2007). The development and use of a structured teacher observation scale to assess differentiated best practice. Roeper Review, 29(2), 84-92.