Title: Cross-talk between basic science and clinical research: How basic science research informs clinical research and vice versa.
A seminar course of 14 meetings each 1.5 hours long with a break once a week.
The course will combine upfront lectures by the lecturer with presentations by the students.
The overall message of the seminar is that basic science and clinical research inform one another and that a general understanding of the topic from a clinical perspective can add both interest and depth to basic science. Students will have some examples of how medicine requires an interest in and understanding of experimental basic science.
The lecture will present the field of investigation i.e., the disease or group of pathologies under investigation and set the stage for the papers to be presented.
The papers (and the students) will be paired: each pair of papers will deal with a specific pathology or field of investigation. One paper will be mostly basic science and the other paper will be mostly clinical.
The grade is assigned based on participation and preparation.
The papers will be concentrated in 3 or 4 fields and one field can be decided on by the students once the course has started.
The students will be responsible for reading all the papers but the pair of students for each topic will be responsible for leading the group through the papers in a manner similar to a journal club.