The aim of this course is to review, deepen and consolidate your knowledge of immunology by presenting and discussing authentic examples of patients suffering from diverse genetically inherited immune disorders. Each lecture will feature a case study of a patient, briefly describing his/her symptoms, clinical examination, medical history, and therapeutic treatments. Based on this information we will try to determine which part of the immune system is dysfunctional and diagnose the specific disease. We will then discuss cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to the specific disorder, as well as possible genetic predisposition. We will then try to compare how much the human phenotype resembles phenotypes in corresponding mouse models. These case studies will be grouped into four major classes of 1)Immunodeficiencies, 2) Autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, 3) Anaphylaxis and Allergy disorders and 4) Lymphoproliferative disorders.
There will be ten to twelve lectures in total; each lecture will cover three to four different, but related, case studies.
Thursday June 20
14.15- 15.45 Lecture 1 – Kobi Abramson
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 2 – Kobi Abramson
Sunday June 23
14.15- 15.45 Lecture 3 – Kobi Abramson
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 4 – Kobi Abramson
Monday June 24
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 5 – Kobi Abramson
Tuesday June 25
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 6 – Ronen Alon
Wednesday June 26
14.15- 15.45 Lecture 7 - Liran Shlush
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 8 – Kobi Abramson
Thursday June 27
14.15- 15.45 Lecture 9 – Kobi Abramson
16.00- 17.30 Lecture 10 – Kobi Abramson