Course Identification

Quantum mechanics 1

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Prof. Shimon Levit
Samuel Diaz Escribano, Mykhailo Yutushui, Evyatar Tulipman

Course Schedule and Location

First Semester
Sunday, 11:15 - 13:00, Weissman, Auditorium
Wednesday, 11:15 - 13:00, Weissman, Auditorium

Monday, 14:15 - 16:00, Weissman, Auditorium

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Physical Sciences: Lecture; Obligatory; Core; 6.00 points
Chemical Sciences: Lecture; 6.00 points


Hybrid Format


Two semesters of undergraduate QM



Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation


Grade Type

Numerical (out of 100)

Grade Breakdown (in %)


Evaluation Type


Scheduled date 1

WSoS, Rm A,WSoS, Rm B,WSoS, Rm C

Scheduled date 2

Weissman, Seminar Rm A,Weissman, Seminar Rm B

Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



  1. Path Integral Quantization.  
  2. Symmetries in quantum mechanics and their formal treatment. 
  3. Motion in external electromagnetic field. Gauge invariance. Symmetries in the presence of gauge fields. The gauge principle - guessing interactions by gauging symmetries. Uniform magnetic field. Electromagnetic field in different gauges. Landau levels. AB effect. Magnetic monopoles.
  4. Quantization of electromagnetic field. Review of the canonical quantization of a field using elastic string as an example. Casting Maxwell equations into canonical Hamiltonian form. Wave functionals. Photons. Number, coherent and squeezed states. Elements of quantum optics. Casimir effect. Interaction with (non relativistic) matter. Multiple expansion. Dipole and higher order transitions. Selection rules. Sum rules.
  5. Second quantization. Review of the many body wave functions for identical particles. Treating Schroedinger equation as a field and its quantization. Equivalence of two approaches. Fock space.
  6. Examples of using the second quantization - Hartree-Fock equations for fermions, Gross-Pitaevski equation for bosons. Elementary excitations. Bogoliubov spectrum. 
  7. Adiabatic theory. The Berry phase. Interacting fast and slow systems-the Born-Oppenheimer approach.
  8. Pure and Mixed Systems in Quantum Mechanics. The Density Matrix. Wigner transform.

The learning process is supported and tested by weekly tutorial sessions, homework assignments and final written exam. As a result of studying this course the students will be able to continue doing research in most of the fields of physics requiring  knowledge of non relativistic  quantum mechanics. At the same time it is recommended to study QM2 to complete the QM education. 

* The course’s content might be modified to adjust it  to the audiences’ background


Learning Outcomes


Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate good proficiency in topics in advanced quantum mechanics such as the density matrix, physics of decoherence, quantum mechanics of the motion in magnetic field, canonical quantization of simple fields, quantization of EM field and its interaction with non-relativistic matter, second quantization viewed as a quantization of the Schrodinger field and some basic many body phenomena, adiabatic and semiclassical theory.
  2. Continue with further advanced studies of detailed quantum mechanical description of complex atomic, nuclear, quantum optical phenomena as well as basic solid state physics.


Reading List

G. Baym QM, Landau and Lifshits QM, Messiah QM, 
