Introduction The so-called “value-free ideal” and the descriptive challenge
Week 1
Chapter 1: Introduction: science Wars and Policy Wars
Chapter 2: The Rise of the Science Advisor
Week 2:
Kuhn 1977 “Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice,”
Longino 1983 “Beyond ‘Bad Science’”
Week 3:
Chapter 3: Origins of the Values Free Ideas in Science
Chapter 4: The Moral Responsibility of Scientists
The underdetermination challenge
Week 4:
Longino 1979 “Evidence and Hypothesis”
Intemann 2005 “Feminism, Underdetermination, and Values in Science”
Week 5:
Rooney 1992 “On Values in Science: Is the Epistemic/Non-Epistemic Distinction Useful?”
Longino 1996 “Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Values in Science” The language challenge
The Value Challenges
Week 6:
Chapter 5: The Structure of Values in Science
Chapter 6: Objectivity on Science
Week 7:
Dupré 2007 “Fact and Value”
Elliott 2009 “The Ethical Significance of Language in the Environmental Sciences”
Week 8:
Douglas 2000 “Inductive Risk and Values in Science”
Betz 2013 “In defense of the value free ideal”
Week 9:
Steel 2010 “Epistemic Values and the Argument from Inductive Risk”
Douglas 2013 “The Value of Cognitive Values”
Distinguishing Roles for Values in Science
Week 10:
Douglas 2009 “The Structure of Values in Science”
Elliott 2011 “Direct and Indirect Roles for Values in Science”
Week 11:
Anderson 2004 “Uses of Value Judgments in Science”
Brown 2013a “Values in Science beyond Underdetermination and Inductive Risk”
Arguing for the Right Values in Science
Week 12:
Chapter7: The Integrity of Science in the Policy Process
Chapter 8: Values and Practice
Week 13:
Kourany 2010 “What Feminist Science Studies Can Offer”
Solomon 2012 “Socially Responsible Science and the Unity of Values”
Week 14:
Brown 2013b “The source and status of values for socially responsible science”
Hicks 2014 “A New Direction for Science and Values”