Semester 2 (23/03/2025 - 04/07/2025)
Cell death in health and disease 2025 (Tuesdays 9:15-11:00)
Botnar auditorium except for June 24 (WSoS room C)
25.3 BCL-2 proteins: regulators of life versus death decisions (Atan Gross)
1.4 The metabolic side of cell death (Atan Gross)
8.4 The TNF family, the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, necroptosis and pyroptosis – Part I (David Wallach)
15.4 Passover
22.4 The TNF family, the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, necroptosis and pyroptosis – Part II (David Wallach)
29.4 p53: master regulator of life, death and cancer – Part I (Moshe Oren)
6.5 p53: master regulator of life, death and cancer – Part II (Moshe Oren)
13.5 The genetics of apoptosis: from large screens in model organisms to mechanistic understanding (Eli Arama)
20.5 Death without caspases and caspases without death in development (Eli Arama)
27.5 Autophagy: a mechanistic view of a basic biological process that controls life and death decisions of a cell – Part I (Adi Kimchi)
3.6 Autophagy: a mechanistic view of a basic biological process that controls life and death decisions of a cell – Part II (Adi Kimchi)
10.6 The regulation of neurodevelopmental cell death (Avraham Yaron)
17.6 Sculpting the nervous system by non-apoptotic activities of the cell death system (Avraham Yaron)
24.6 Cellular senescence is an anti-cell death mechanism (Valery Krizhanovsky)
1.7 Do senescent cells promote organismal death? (Valery Krizhanovsky)