Course Identification
Probability theory (with measure theory)
Lecturers and Teaching Assistants
Prof. Eliran Subag
Course Schedule and Location
Second Semester
Wednesday, 14:15 - 16:00, Jacob Ziskind Building, Rm 155
Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points
Mathematics and Computer Science: 2.00 points
The required background is a first course in probability. Some familiarity with basic notions of analysis is expected, knowledge in measure theory is an advantage.
Attendance and participation
Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)
The course will discuss basic elements of probability theory: probability spaces, convergence of random variables, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, Brownian motion. The required background is a first course in probability. Some familiarity with basic notions of analysis is expected, knowledge in measure theory is an advantage.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be familiar with basic notions in probability theory.