Course Identification

Didactics of Physics

Lecturers and Teaching Assistants

Prof. Yaron Lehavi

Course Schedule and Location

Full Year
Thursday, 09:00 - 12:00, WSoS, Rm 1

Field of Study, Course Type and Credit Points

Science Teaching -Teaching Certificate: Lecture; Obligatory; Regular; 0.00 points


On the following Thursdays - January 16, 23 and 30 the course will be held at WSoS Room A.
Hours remain the same.





Language of Instruction


Attendance and participation


Grade Type

Pass / Fail

Grade Breakdown (in %)


Evaluation Type

Final assignment

Scheduled date 1


Estimated Weekly Independent Workload (in hours)



The course is both classroom teaching practice guidance and a place to connect theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge. The course will cover various topics of the teacher's work in general and of the physics teacher in particular. 

Students will be familiarized with the research literature on various aspects of physics education and methods to implement them in the classroom. Students will be engaged in collaboratory work around teaching-learning evidence such as videos and other artifacts. Evaluation of the course: students will focus on the means by which they implement the theoretical principles in their teaching. 

Course topics: 

  1. The roles of the teacher in the classroom. 
  2. Principles of curriculum design. 
  3. An analysis of how junior high school physics curriculum and teaching units address learners' development and prior knowledge. 
  4. How to construct a proper lesson:(a) identification and definition of the objectives of instruction; (b) Use of various teaching resources: textbooks, teacher guides, and websites; (c) Adjustment of the teaching methods to students' different learning styles; (d) Using illustrations, games, and technology; (f) Fostering a positive classroom climate; (g) Construction of teaching sequences. 
  5. Experience with various teaching methods: (a) Teaching for Inquiry-based learning, (b) e-learning (c) Peer learning 
  6. Principles of Evaluation: various evaluation criteria, measurement, and feedback approaches. 


Course structure: 

In Class [72 hours] 

  1. Lectures 
  2. Workshop and peer teaching 
  3. Case Analysis 
  4. Working in groups 


Online Teaching [56 hours]

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course- students should be able to: 

  1. Familiar with all the learning units of the Earth sciences high school program. 
  2. Familiar with the lab inquiry-based component program. 
  3. Familiar with the outdoor inquiry-based component program. 
  4. Describe the outcomes of each learning unit. 
  5. Explain the reasons for using a specific teaching strategy. 
  6. Differentiate between learning difficulties of students. 
  7. Discuss critically how to combine teaching strategies with learning strategies. 
  8. Identify learning style and learning difficulties of students. 
  9. Select and employ teaching strategy that suitable for a specific student. 
  10. 10. Critically analyze the influence of a teaching sequence on students understanding. 
  11. Recognize and formulate the advantages and disadvantages of various teaching strategies. 
  12. Evaluate the outcomes of a specific learning unit. 
  13. Summarize the main contributions of the selected educational components on the fulfillment the objectives of a specific unit.

Reading List

  1. Amir, R. Bernholz, Ch. and Peled, L. (2001) Mapping concepts in learning, teaching and assessment. Science Teaching Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
  2. Mayer, R.E. (2011). What is learning, Pp. 14-15, What is instruction, Pp. 52-53. In: Applying the science of learning. C.A: 
  3. Trowbridge, L. W., Bybee, R. W., & Powell, J. C. (2000). Teaching secondary school science: Strategies for developing scientific literacy (7th ed.).Ch.1. Becoming a science teacher. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 
  4. Nussbaum J. and Yechieli T. (1999). Misconceptions and conceptual change in science teaching. Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv. 
  5. Sarah Shimoni, S. (2000). He will be convinced only if you show him the whole picture, alternative concepts and thinking styles. Eureka, No. 13, Center for Science Education and Technology, University of Tel - Aviv. 
  6. Cohen, A. (2001). Good action is preceded by a thought: A guide for learning through creative scientific projects. Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv. 
  7. Zohar, A. (2006). Learning through inquiry: a continuing challenge. Magnes, Jerusalem: ch. 2, 6. 
  8. Hativa, N. (2003). Classroom teaching processes. Tel Aviv Academic Publication. Pp. 302-300, 273-276. 
  9. Kidrony, M. (1999). Heterogeneous classroom instruction. In: a. Peled, A. (ed.) Fifty Years of Education, Vol B, pp. 377-389. Tel Aviv. Ministry of Education and Culture. 
  10. Ben-Menachem, A. (2005). Playing and Reality - the emotional side of science education. Eureka 20, 1-14. 
  11. Mualem R. and Eylon Bs. (2005). Physics junior high with a smile: how to explain phenomena using "qualitative" problem-solving strategy. Tehuda (1) 25. 
  12. Pearson, C.A. Twelve instructional design principles for lesson learning, Pp. 66-71; Eight instructional design principles for effective studying 72-75. In: Applying the science of learning. C.A: Pearson. 
  13. Teaching physics textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education 
  14. Birnbaum, m., (1997), evaluating alternatives achievements, Ramot Publishing - Tel - Aviv University. 
  15. Glovmn, R.., (2005), Evaluation multifaceted education system, Holon: Removing element. 
  16. Lieberman, a. Skills sight of assessment, Eureka, No. 12, Center for Science Education and Technology, University of Tel - Aviv, Science. 
  17. Pereira, N., Bozo, E. (1998) Reflective learning experience: linkages between perceived learning and alternative assessment, in: Moshe Zilberstein and Miriam Ben - Peretz (eds.) reflection in teaching - a central part in the development of a teacher. Tel Aviv: MOFET, Ministry of Education and Culture.
