The aim of this seminar is to continue in the format of the course – clinical cases in immunology and expand it by additional cases that have not been covered in the course. However, the presentations will now be given by the students, who will have to choose and prepare specific clinical case and present it to the class in a similar format as done in the course.
Briefly, each presentation shall shell cover a case study of a patient, briefly describing his/hers symptoms, clinical examination, medical history, and attempted treatment. Based on this information we will try to determine which part of the immune system is dysfunctional and diagnose the specific disease. We will then discuss cellular and molecular mechanisms of the specific disorder, genetic predisposition, and potential treatment and will also try to compare how much it resembles phenotypes in corresponding mouse models.
The choice of the cases will be pre-discussed and coordinated with the seminar coordinator.
The seminar is designed for MSc and PhD students interested in immunology and aims to further deepen and solidify their knowledge in the filed by presenting authentic clinical cases involving 'real' patients suffering from diverse immune disorders.
The number of seminars will depend on the number of people registered, but the minimal number of meetings per semester will be 8.